Need for Shading

Need for Shading

The sun may be nearly 150 million kms away, but we all know its crucial impact on us by presence or absence!

But as humans we have some capabilities to control its effect. Sun shading systems can transform any indoor or outdoor area into an oasis. These systems offer protection from the harmful effects of sunlight and UV rays. And in addition to its practical benefits they enhance the aesthetic value of your spaces as well. These shading solutions can be added to virtually any commercial and residential space. All while lowering your energy costs, improving productivity, healthy environment and privacy.

There are many more factors that make sun shading absolutely essential:

Temperature Control: Comfort in terms of indoor air temperature is very closely related to Indoor Air Quality and Productivity. Either extreme of temperatures, either hot or cold lead to reduction in performance. So sun shading is that leads to temperature control is of vital importance.

CO2 Reduction: Keeping spaces cool naturally with the help of shading ensures reduction of AC usage that reduces CO2 emissions.

Reduction in UV Rays: Skin cancer risks are on the rise. This happens because of our increased exposure to UV rays. Installing shading is essential to ensure that we are not exposed to direct sunlight but can still enjoy the outdoors.

Glare Reduction: Glare is usually caused by direct sunlight falling on objects in the home or office. This increases visual discomfort and reduces productivity.

Which is where Awnopy’s shading solutions come to your rescue...

  • Roman Blinds—The Roman blind style has been around for years and it is a classic, thanks to their simple but elegant design. At Awnopy we have given it a modern edge that makes our HDPE fabric Roman blinds an investment piece for the home.
  • Roller Blinds—With a chic and minimal aesthetic, that can upgrade a space in an instant, roller blinds are really popular and trendy. Their installation is extremely easy and as is their maintenance. In addition to that, they are affordable and space saving.
  • Outdoor Curtains—All it needs is a curtain to allow you to enjoy these spaces for more time during the day and throughout the seasons! Give your exterior spaces Weather Resistance, Style and Privacy with Outdoor Curtains.
  • Shade sails—Whatever the weather may be, Shades sails not only make your home or office’s outdoor spaces cool and shaded by blocking out most of the Sunlight and UV rays, its also protects from dust and rain.
  • Wave Sails—Sun protection during the day and a view of the night sky at night can be your courtesy Wave Sails. Retractable sails or wave sails are an excellent addition to any outdoor space requires a premium look and feel.
  • Shade Screens—Lower energy usage, have Privacy with a view and reduce sun glare inside you homes with Shade Screens that easily attach on to ceramic, window, mirror, glass, metal or fibreglass surfaces.

So find your perfect match and enjoy the various benefits of Shading and Sun Protection.