Controlling Light in a Room

Controlling Light in a Room

We always seek a sense of warmth and comfort from our spaces and rooms. Light plays a very important part in this. While we can control the electric lights, what about the sun and the natural light it provides? When not properly controlled, natural light can also cause a number of problems.

  • One of the main reasons to control natural light in a room is to reduce glare. Glare can be caused by sunlight reflecting off of surfaces such as windows and mirrors, and can make it difficult to see and work in a room. By controlling the amount of natural light that enters a room, it is possible to reduce glare and improve visibility.
  • Another reason to control natural light in a room is to prevent heat gain. When natural light enters a room, it can also bring with it heat, which can make a room uncomfortably warm. By controlling the amount of natural light that enters a room, it is possible to reduce heat gain and improve the overall comfort of a space.
  • Additionally, to prevent fading of furniture and flooring, it is important to control natural light in a room. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause fading and discolouration of furniture, flooring, and other items in a room over time. By controlling the amount of natural light that enters a room, it is possible to reduce the amount of UV rays that reach these items, and thus prevent fading and discolouration. Awnopy brings you a choice of window that can help control natural light in a room:
  • Roman and Roller Blinds—You should be able to control how you feel in your home, and our window shades and blinds can get you as much control as you like through filtering out light according to your needs. We are all aware of how light controls our moods and the look of a space.
  • Black Out Blinds—There are also times when lack of light is the need of the hour. During intense summers window treatments like blackout roller shades put a stop to intense light, extreme heat and most importantly UV radiation from entering your indoor space.
  • Shade Screen—We offer a customised solution of smart and portable shade screens that you can carry along with you. Just attach it on any surface with suction cups and watch it control how light enters the room.

So improve visibility and comfort and enhance the beauty and functionality of any room, by simple controlling the light entering the room.